I'm sorry I've so lax about blogging lately. This past week has been crazy with my children's end-of-the-year festivities AND preparing for our Disney trip. It's true. Today's the day. We're leaving for Disney World!
The kids are so excited they can hardly stand it, and so am I. My excitement is just tempered with the usual anxiety that accompanies traveling with children. This will be the first flight for my son, and the first my daughter remembers (we flew when she was 18-months-old).
We'll be gone for six days, so hopefully I will return with some posts the following week. Until then, wish me luck. And if you have any tips about Disney, please feel free to share them as this is our first trip there with the kids.
Watch out, Mickey, here we come!
Hello world!
3 months ago
Thank you so much for your visit to hill country house! I love Nashville and the people I have met there - have we "met" if we are just online friends? I think so! I love your blog, as well, and am adding you to my daily reads, even though I can't possibly read every day - there are so many good design blogs now.
Have a wonderful time in Disneyworld. One of our most memorable family trips was there. My advice - get out early in the day when it is still cool and not so crowded, go back to your hotel for a swim or a nap after lunch, or even for lunch - and then venture back out in the late afternoon after the kids, and you, are rested.Someone told us to plan our days that way and it helped a lot with not getting totally exhausted. Safe travels.
Love your blog, you have great style!
Can't believe we both started blogging because otherwise we would have probably spent too much money! See you are a SAHM too. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for leaving one of my first comments EVER! I'll have to follow a fellow mom, southerner & design obsessor! (that a word?) Julie
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