Monday, May 2, 2011

Anthropologie Agrees . . .

with the color scheme for my dining room. Behold.
Lavender combined with orange and blue. Ahh, so pretty. It's even called the Pretty Prattle necklace. This might be a more affordable suitable Mother's Day gift than the La Fiorentina pillows. I could just wear the necklace and sit in the dining room. Brilliant.

Speaking of my color scheme of lavender and coral/orange, I got a crazy idea to start painting some Goodwill lamps yesterday . . .
Don't look too closely. They need to be sanded and get several more coats. 
Here are the before shots of the lamps . . . 
This was a rather anemic yellow. I initially painted it black. Didn't look quite right. So, on to round 2 of DIY experimenting.
This is a glass (rather than porcelain) lamp painted on the inside. The paint was actually a pretty pale blue, but it was in bad shape and cracking off in flakes. I stripped off the inside paint, but ended up painting the outside after realizing painting the inside would not be an easy task. I'm lazy. Hopefully, with several coats of paint and some poly, it will seal well enough not to chip. We'll see.
I usually spray paint stuff, but the paint colors I was seeking don't come in spray paint. So, I just got some Benjamin Moore tester pots of paint to try out.
I'm hoping to put the violetta-painted lamp in the dining room . . .
I'm thinking of painting the lamp base brass, by the way. This is still very much a work in progress.
The lighting in my house was extremely dark because of the wonderful weather we've been having.
And possibly put the Morrocan spice-painted lamp in the adjacent entry hall. Or maybe not. That will be a wait-and-see decision.
The coral lamp would add a nice shot of color, right?

By the way, I've done a little mirror musical chairs in my house since this entry mirror displaced the old one. There are currently four mirrors sitting in my dining room waiting to go their respective homes. Two are going in the booth, one is going in the dining room and the last will go in a bathroom. Stay tuned for those updates. I can't hang them by myself, so I'm kind of at the mercy of my husband who doesn't like to hang things. This could take a while. Just like the rest of my projects. 

Sources: Anthropologie


Raina Cox said...

I have that necklace on my wish list, too!

Here's hoping with both we receive it this Sunday.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

I almost bought that necklace!!

and then I cheaped out. Great color combo, though.

Kim said...

Your idea to wear the necklace and sit in your dining room is hilarious! I give you credit for painting those lamps w/that teeny tiny pot of paint. I think it would be hard to get it to look nicely having to brush it on. Yours are looking good so must be a much better painter than me. :)

designchic said...

What a gorgeous color combination...can't wait to see it finished!!

Ashley said...

Is the necklace another Mother's Day hint to your family? ;)

Great color combo. I'd also recommend the Montana Gold spraypaint if you can find it. The range of colors is pretty extensive, though it seems like you have this project under control!

Danika Herrick said...

Holy love that color scheme batman! Cannot wait to see it done up. And your booth has serious good stuff, wish I lived closer!