First of all, my apologies for not posting the Novica giveaway winner on Friday, but I was on my way out of town and just ran out of time to post. So, without further ado, according to the random number generator, commenter #17 won and that is the sweet
Karena from Art by Karena. Congratulations, Karena. I'll be sending you an email with the details!
So, where was I this past weekend?
Vegas, baby. My husband had a conference so I flew out to meet up with him and his staff. Of course, lots of fun was had. There was a little of this . . .
A little of this . . .
I bought these crazy print pants at H&M (which we don't have here in Nashville), and I love them so much. Very out of character for me (I usually play it safe with my fashion), but very cool. |
And I'm not going to lie, a lot of this . . .
Now, I've got to regroup, do some laundry and grocery shop. Thanks to my mother-in-law for watching the children. Oh, and for you curious ones out there, I did get the loveseat for my office the day I left. Here's a quick snap with my phone.
And another little close-up (there are two different pagodas) . . .
I really love the richness of the colors against the black walls. However, the background is more of a dirty beige-y oatmeal color (than the cream it appears here), so I'll have to work on getting it to work with the brighter whites I've got going on in here. But overall, I'm very happy with it and it looks great in the office . . . a much better scale than the daybed. Oh, and still haven't figured out what the fabric is. A very kind reader (thanks, Thayer), suggested it might be a
Bailey & Griffin fabric which I had honestly never heard of. However, after reaching out to them, they assured me it was not. But the B&G guy suggested it might be a Stroheim or Lee Jofa fabric. Really doesn't matter . . . I'm just the curious kind.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!